Tuesday Aug 18, 2020
Streaming from the Same Source: Creativity and Spirituality with Megan Kuhar
Tuesday Aug 18, 2020
Tuesday Aug 18, 2020
Online and Aligned Branding and Marketing for Creatives
Megan Kuhar, creative brand coach and host of the podcast Creative Brand Sessions, empowers creative entrepreneurs to step into their true potential and make an impact with their brand and business online. Her coaching is grounded in the belief that creatives can stay authentic and aligned while also employing savvy and accessible marketing strategies.
In this episode you will hear:
- The importance of impacting the world with your creativity.
- Align with your authenticity and put your art/music/coaching and healing practice into the world.
- Discovering your brand is the same as discovering yourself.
- Overcoming the starving artist and scarcity archetype with help from a coach.
- Aligned marketing is not evil or phony!
- What’s the point of creating if we don’t share it?
- If you can market yourself authentically why wouldn’t you?
- Every person makes an impact, why not do it consciously?
- Connecting with your worthiness and getting paid what your worth.
- How chasing the million-dollar idea didn’t work and what did.
- Creative and spiritual energy stream from the same source.
- Are you afraid of being present, are you hiding?
- How a coach can change your life and find your own success.
- To be aligned online, identity your brand, create a consistent visual presence, and create a thoughtful marketing plan that says “I’m worthy.”
Megan is happy to offer Free Mini-Sessions to the audience! These can be booked at megan-kuhar.com/mini-session.
She also has a free Phony-Free Marketing Guide, which can be downloaded at megan-kuhar.com/free.
Tuesday Aug 11, 2020
We Need More Adults in the World: Here is the Plan! with Michelle Chalfant
Tuesday Aug 11, 2020
Tuesday Aug 11, 2020
Michelle Chalfant is a therapist, holistic life coach, author, podcaster, motivational speaker and developer of The Adult Chair Model, a transformational model of self-realization that helps people across the globe discover who they are, become unstuck, improve their relationships and develop self-love.
With over 2 million downloads, Michelle hosts The Adult Chair podcast, where simple psychology meets grounded spirituality and where she gives people the tools and techniques needed to find their power and transform their lives.
With over 25 years of experience in all areas of self-healing, you can learn more about Michelle and her offerings by visiting theadultchair.com.
What you’ll hear in today’s podcast:
- Overview of The Adult Chair Model
- The goal of The Adult Chair model is to be the healthiest and happiest version of yourself.
- Child Chair: Age 0 -6 we learn about love, passion, intimacy, feelings, needs, and vulnerability. We are also sensitive and unconsciously absorb and process other’s emotions.
- Adolescent Chair: Age 6 – 25, pre-to-post adolescent Our ego comes online and teaches us to fear and protect. We learn to live in the future or the past, but not the present. We do what will keep us safe and loved, even if it means masking our true self.
- Adult Chair: Age 25 + Adults are conscious, look for facts and truth instead of stories and assumptions, learn to witness thoughts, set boundaries, connect to emotions, process needs, and feelings without getting stuck.
- How to connect and heal the inner child.
- How The Adult Chair Model evolved from Michelle’s healing
- Retro empaths; the most sensitive of the empaths types.
- The spiritual adult.
- Empath origins of colic—picking up anger in the room as a baby, trying really hard to process all the pain and tension in the immediate family, and feeling like she couldn’t process the emotions fast enough, so it made her cry continuously.
- Unconsciously processing other’s energies can lead to co-dependency.
- Adults have healthy self-love.
- How to change other people? Be the healthiest version of yourself first. Then people will respond differently.
Free Month Into The Adult Chair Membership: theadultchair.com/membership. Code: HEALTHYADULT30
Free Inner Child Resource: theadultchair.com/innerchild
Tuesday Aug 04, 2020
Beyond the Convent to Channeling the Feminine Face of God with Cathy Chapman
Tuesday Aug 04, 2020
Tuesday Aug 04, 2020
Cathy and I had a lively conversation that tracked her experience in the Christian charismatic movement.
We covered the following topics:
- Speaking in tongues.
- Becoming a Dominican nun for 20 years.
- Leaving the convent to expand her healing and channeling abilities
- Sacred exorcism.
- The Encyclopedia of Healing which will eventually have 20 volumes.
- She channels Amma, the feminine face of God and radiates light and love frequencies generously every time she speaks.
Cathy has a doctorate in holistic psychology, is a prolific author, teacher, and contributor to Sedona Magazine.
Her books include:
Change Your Encodements, Your DNA, Your Life!
The Golden Elohim on the Creation of Form
From Conception to Birth (Amiya's Encyclopedia of Healing
The Human Energy Field: Auras (Amiya's Encyclopedia of Healing)
The Human Energy Field: Chakras (Amiya's Encyclopedia of Healing)
Tuesday Jul 28, 2020
New Paradigm Reiki Light and Healing with Yolanda Williams
Tuesday Jul 28, 2020
Tuesday Jul 28, 2020
The Path of an Authentic Healer
Yolanda Williams is a wonderfully light and bright Reiki healer and spiritual guide. She is the host of Reiki Radio Podcast, the co-founder of The Mind Body Energy Project, and creator of The Seekers Circle.
Topics include
- The challenges and gifts of being an empath.
- Burning out in her financial career and following her intuition to become a Reiki Master and spiritual guide.
- Her love for all humanity.
- Her childhood experiences with non-physical beings.
- Being a responsible, authentic healer and guide.
- Her process for leading group healings.
Her website: www.theenergeticalchemist.com
Reiki Radio Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/reiki-radio-podcast/id725309051
Tuesday Jul 21, 2020
Living Into Your Power with Terri Ann Heiman
Tuesday Jul 21, 2020
Tuesday Jul 21, 2020
Terri Ann Heiman joins me to channel the higher frequencies of light and healing flooding the planet. Terri is a powerhouse who helps women regain self confidence and trust their inner guidance through her empowered spirit programs. She also hosts the Empowered Spirit podcast, a great resource for weekly wisdom! Refreshing and honest, her energy is uplifting and her wisdom palpable.
Terri describes living into her wisdom step-by-step. She was a professional photographer who followed her heart to become a successful spiritual guide, healer and teacher of the healing arts.
Topics Include
- The need for in-depth training and mastery for healers.
- How to get “unstuck”.
- Resolving weight issues.
- Opening the Akashic records.
- Emotional Release Technique
- The role of guides in healing.
- Supporting those who are crossing over.
Her book: Confessions of a Shower Tapper: The Ultimate Guide to Living Your Purpose with EFT
Her website: www.terriannheiman.com
Tuesday Jul 14, 2020
Sacred Astrology and 2020 with Carol Cummings
Tuesday Jul 14, 2020
Tuesday Jul 14, 2020
Carol Cummings has been a professional astrologer, dream analyst, and teacher for over 30 years. She utilizes her gifts of clairvoyance, empathy, and understanding of symbols for interpreting astrological charts and dreams. She has been a guest on over 300 radio and TV shows and featured in Cosmopolitan, SELF, and In-Touch magazine.
Who do you trust to see into your soul? When you have an astrological chart and interpretation done, you have entrusted an astrologer to hold you safely and with the highest regard for your life and soul. Astrology is a sacred science, and astrologers go through a maturing process, a long learning curve, to learn how to interpret your chart in alignment with your true being. Carol’s interpretations provide wisdom, love, and truth. She collaborates with your higher being to bring through the messages that steer your life in the most optimal direction.
Topics covered in this episode include:
- Childhood Psychic Experiences
- Magic and Miracles
- Sacred Astrology
- Transformation through Mystical Visitations
- December 2020 Solstice Ushers in Dramatic Changes
To learn more visit: www.carolcummings.net
Monday Jul 06, 2020
Spiritual and Practical Dating Tips for Women Over 50 with Lisa Copeland
Monday Jul 06, 2020
Monday Jul 06, 2020
Lisa Copeland is a leading internationally recognized Love, Coach, and Dating Expert for women over 50. Through her program, Finding A Quality Man Over 50” Lisa inspires and teaches women how to feel confident, empowered, and able to enjoy dating. She has strategies for putting yourself “out there” in a way that is true to yourself and successful at the same time.
Lisa’s path to becoming a Love and Dating Coach is another example of Living Into Your Wisdom. Lisa is deeply spiritual and her approach to dating is rooted in spiritual wisdom. She starts with the basics! What vibes are you putting out and what are you getting back. Awareness is the key and Lisa helps you discover your dating comfort zone and clarify who you want to attract into your life.
Who would think a spiritual person would become a dating coach?! But Lisa followed her intuition, let it all unfold, step by step, overcoming many challenges along the way to reveal her life path. Listen as we share Lisa’s powerful story and her spiritual approach to dating and finding the right person for you!
You can get a free copy of her eBook “The 5 Little Known Secrets to Finding a Quality Man” at www.findaqualityman.com
- How Lisa lived into her wisdom and found her true self and professional calling as a love and dating coach.
- Learning from two failed marriages Lisa shares that her greatest lesson was not letting expectations, sexual attraction, wealth, and illusions lead her into the wrong relationship.
- Don’t compare yourself to your 20’s identity and physical appearance. Appreciate how your life has made you who you are. Become present and treasure who you are.
- How empaths see the potential in partners when the partners don’t even recognize their own potential. Focus on your potential and let others tend to their potential.
- Even the most spiritual among us need to have a dating plan. Having a structure and guidelines ensures your path to finding a wonderful companion will stay on track.
- Keep the power centered within you. Do not let old programs cause you to give away your power. You have a choice, you know what you want.
- Expecting to meet your soul mate or twin soul can make you overlook the person right in front of you!
Visit Lisa's website: www.findaqualityman.com
Download Lisa's FREE 5 Easy Steps for Attracting the Right Man Into Your Life After 50 MasterClass
Tuesday Jun 30, 2020
Don't Wait Any Longer: It's Time for a BreakThrough with Debi Silber
Tuesday Jun 30, 2020
Tuesday Jun 30, 2020
Dr. Debi Silber is a holistic psychologist and personal development expert. Founder of the Post Betrayal Institute, Dr. Debi focuses on five steps to healing betrayal which was inspired by her own betrayal experience and her desire to become whole and healed.
Her podcast, Betrayal to Breakthrough, and her books, The Unshakable Woman, The Unshakable Woman: The Workbook, and Trust Again (due 9/2020), support and motivate people to move on from betrayal to become confident, authentic, better versions of themselves.
Our topics include:
- 5 steps to healing from betrayal….
- Learning to trust yourself again.
- Rebuilding body, mind, and life after a crisis.
- Business is the highest expression of ourselves when we are doing the work we are called to do.
- Self-betrayal is abuse on another level.
The PBT Institute website: https://thepbtinstitute.com/
Debi Silber on Facebook @inspireempowertransform
Debi Silber on Instagram @debisilber
Tuesday Jun 23, 2020
Detours, Delight, and Diving Into the Heart with Regina Brett
Tuesday Jun 23, 2020
Tuesday Jun 23, 2020
The essence of every spiritual teaching is LOVE. How does one LOVE in a world that isn’t that loving? Regina Brett’s journey to finding peace and joy is inspiring. She has scaled high peaks, physically, but we get a peek at her “inner peaks” in this podcast.
Best selling author and commentator on life, Regina has a way of living into her wisdom in ways most of us can only hope to touch. Her only goal is to Love everyone in her life, no matter how she is treated. I can’t think of a higher spiritual goal.
In this podcast, we cover:
- Learning to live each day fully with cancer as your teacher.
- The life in front of you is the greatest teacher.
- Getting out of the way so Love can come through.
- Finding self-love after self-loathing.
- A glimpse of Regina’s daily practice to set her day on a positive note.
- How life’s detours provide the greatest opportunities.
- Writing as a grounding spiritual practice and Regina’s spiritual scanner
- Transformation through connection to sacred land, Shasta and Skellig Michael
Visit Regina Brett's Website: www.reginabrett.com
Tuesday Jun 16, 2020
Ama Deus. Love, Light, and Healing with Elizabeth Cosmos
Tuesday Jun 16, 2020
Tuesday Jun 16, 2020
Elizabeth blows through resistance with a tidal wave-like force. We can all learn from her, absorb her confidence and ability to land on her feet no matter what. She has a Ph.D. from Holos University, developed an alternative healing therapy program for a major hospital, and is the founder of the International Association of Ama-Deus.
She is a teacher, author, and practitioner involved with spiritual healing for more than 30 years. Following “hitting the wall” with a divorce, the death of her father, and the birth of her son, all within three months, Elizabeth woke up to her spirituality and her path.
Our discussion radiates light and love energy. Soak it in dear listeners.
Our topics include:
- Invocation and opening sacred space.
- Love as the source of life and healing.
- Her meeting with spiritual teacher and healer Alberto Aguas……. And how she became a lineage holder of his teachings.
- Insight into the Ama Deus healing modality.
- Ensuring the future of the Ama Deus healing modality with integrity, authenticity, and respect for the Amazonian tribe, the Guarani, who passed on their oral teachings to Alberto Aguas and those he trained.
To access Elizabeth’s programs and content visit: www.ama-deus-international.com